Photo Courtesy: Bird's Eye Inc.
Photo Courtesy: Bird
Crafts & Craftpersons/Artists
Rigolet is culturally rich and is known for the exceptional craftwork in the community. Grasswork, clothing and carvings are the more popular crafts. After a process of drying and treating the grass, beautiful artwork is created: grass mats, baskets, bowls, Christmas ornaments and jewelry can all be created from grass. In addition, people of Rigolet also make the traditional clothing of Labrador. Moosehide boots, mitts, fur hats and dickies are fabricated from skins and furs of the animals and are worn during the fall and winter months. People in Rigolet also create beautiful carvings from caribou antler and soapstone, as well as other works of art such as caribou tufting and painting.

Derrick Pottle
Derrick Pottle

Derrick was born and lives in Rigolet, where he is employed as a Fishery Officer for the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. He also sits on the CM Board for Nunatsiavut with Parks Canada. Growing up Derrick discovered his love for carving and has fostered it and developed it ever since. His interest in carving stemmed more from practicality than anything else. He notes that "it just kind of developed from the time when we were growing up. We just made our own toys or boats or komatiks." Working mainly with soapstone, serpentine and bone, he expertly and beautifully captures the likeness of local wildlife such as bears and whales. Besides carving, Derrick enjoys hunting, fishing, trapping, living on the land and spending time with his family. Derrick believes that it is important for everyone to "be proud of who you are; don't try to be someone you're not."

Telephone Number: (709) 947-3335

Belinda Shiwak
Belinda Shiwak

Belinda grew up in Rocky Cove, LB and moved to Rigolet at the age of 15. She became interested in traditional crafts by watching her parents and grandparents; Under their guidance she started sewing grass at the age of seven. Belinda has worked as an Instructor for various Craft Projects in Rigolet as well as a temporary position as the Life Skills Teacher at Northern Lights Academy. She has won two awards for her grasswork; one with the Inuit Art Foundation for a grass basket and the other with the Newfoundland Arts Association for a sauce pan which she created with grass. In addition to grass work, Belinda makes moose hide boots & slippers, dickies, black sealskin boots and knitting.

Telephone Number: (709) 947-3316

Louisa Palliser
Louisa Palliser

Louisa is from Rigolet where she has lived all of her life. She is employed as a Home Support Worker with the Department of Health and Social Development (casual/call in). Louisa began making crafts at the age of 15. Winnie Michelin taught her how to make moose hide boots and her Grandmother taught her grasswork. Louisa is proud of her ability to sew and is talented in making various crafts such as embroidery, grasswork, moose hide work, carving, earrings, beadwork, knitting and Inuit dolls. In addition to crafts, Louisa is an active member of the Rigolet Women's Group and Rigolet's troop of the Canadian Rangers.

Telephone Number: (709) 947-3460

Gertrude Palliser Crafts (larger version)
Gertrude Palliser

Gertrude was born and raised in Northwest River and moved to Rigolet more than twenty-five years ago. Always interested in crafts, her desire was further fuelled after receiving a bead set for Christmas as a teenager. Although she finds crafting great fun, she maintains that patience is key to getting the job done. Gertrude is very talented in embroidery and crocheting. She enjoys making crafts, walking and playing darts. She is also an active member of the Rigolet InoKatigekukluit Language Committee.

Telephone Number: (709) 947-3544

Sarah Baikie
Sarah Baikie

Sarah grew up in Rocky Cove, LB. She moved to Rigolet with her family when she was 17. She began knitting and sewing grass as soon as she was big enough to hold onto a needle, taught by her Dad and Grandmother. Sarah is an ordained Deacon at St. Timothy's Anglican Church in Rigolet and sits on various committees as well. Over the years, she has taught life skills at Northern Lights Academy as well as instructing various craft projects. She enjoys making crafts, going out on the land, reading and spending quiet time alone. Sarah believes that to succeed one must "always tell the truth and whatever you work at, do it willingly." Sarah's skills include knitting, mooshide boots & slippers and she is well known for her grasswork.

Telephone Number: (709) 947-3329

Garland Baikie
Garland Baikie

Garland grew up in Mulligan, LB. He moved to Rigolet in 1969. He worked as a Plant Supervisor for Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro in Rigolet for 20 years. Upon his retirement, Garland began knitting as a hobby. Shortly after, he also began carving using bone and antler. Garland has served as a Councillor for the Town of Rigolet at various times over the years. He now sits on the Church Vestry. He enjoys going to the cabin, fishing and berry picking. Garland's knitted socks and bone & antler earrings & pendants are very popular.

Telephone Number: (709) 947-3329

Ruth Pottle (larger version)
Ruth Pottle

Ruth was born in Cartwright and grew up in West Bay and North River, LB. She moved to Rigolet with her family in 1971. She received her Level lll Diploma in the Adult Basic Education Program from the College of the North Atlantic. Ruth is currently the Life Skills/Nutrition Teacher at Northern Lights Academy. She also oversees the recycling program which is administered by the school. She is skilled in a variety of crafts such as grass work, dickie making, moose hide work and also seal skin work. Ruth enjoys making crafts, gardening, going to her cabin, fishing and berry picking.

Naomi Williams Crafts
Naomi Williams

Naomi grew up in Rigolet and West Bay, LB. Her family has always been very crafty and she learned how to sew by watching her two Grandmothers, who were both very talented in a variety of crafts. Naomi is following in their footsteps as she carries on their livelihoods with a number of different crafts such as grasswork, beading, knitting, dickie making and moosehide work (boots, slippers, mitts, caps). Naomi is a volunteer committee member for Rigolet's Canadian Junior Rangers troop. She enjoys sewing, berry picking and getting wood.
Paul Jararuse
Paul Jararuse

Paul grew up in Nain, LB and moved to Rigolet in 1989. He began carving at the age of 12, under the guidance of his Grandfather, who was an avid carver. Although Paul mainly carves with wood, he enjoys working with soapstone as well. His eye for fine details helps make his carving and woodwork unique.

Telephone number: (709) 947-3533

Linda Palliser
Linda Palliser

Linda was born and raised in Happy Valley Goose Bay but spent her summers in Rigolet, where she moved permanently in 1987. She began crafting at the age of eight, encouraged by both her Mother, an avid crafter, and her Father, who insisted that homemade is always better. Linda received a Diploma in Commercial Cooking as well as a Certificate in Office Administration from the College of the North Atlantic. She taught Life Skills at Northern Lights Academy for three years. Linda enjoys cooking and making crafts. She is an active member of the InoKatigekukluit Language Committee and insists "practice makes perfect; try, try again." Linda's specialties lie in grasswork, moose hide boots & slippers and knitted socks.

Telephone Number: (709) 947-3408

Heather Campbell (larger version)
Heather Campbell

Heather is originally from Rigolet, Nunatsiavut and has a B.F.A from Sir Wilfred Grenfell College School of Fine Art, Memorial University of Newfoundland. She was Curatorial Assistant at the Inuit Art Centre of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada for a number of years and was on the board of directors of Gallery 101 Artist Run Centre, as well as the board of the Artist Run Centres and Collectives of Ontario. Currently Heather is a full-time artist and is also a published, freelance illustrator.

Alice Palliser Crafts
Alice Palliser

Alice is from Rigolet, LB. She started making dickies in 1997 and has since learned other crafts as well. She is now proficient in a variety of crafts such as mittens, parker dolls, souvenir mitts, draw string slippers and pleated slippers. Alice is proud of her Inuit background and enjoys spending time outside.

Telephone Number: (709) 947-3471

Jane Shiwak (larger version)
Jane Shiwak

Jane was born in Cartwright but moved to Rigolet at the age of 20. She is an avid crafts person and is known for her many crafts, which include grass work, moose hide clothing, Inuit dolls, knitting and souvenir booties. She has Instructed various Craft Projects and was the Life Skills Teacher at Northern Lights Academy in Rigolet for 9 years. She works at the Craft Shop on a volunteer basis and is a regular volunteer at the School recycling program every month.

Telephone Number: (709) 947-3462

Gabriel Flowers (larger version)
Gabriel Flowers

Gabriel grew up in Rigolet but is now residing in Happy Valley Goose Bay. She graduated from Level lll at Northern Lights Academy in Rigolet, after which she went on to complete the CAS-Transfer Program, Orientation to Trades and Technology and Heavy Equipment Program at the College of the North Atlantic. Gabriel has always loved painting and today enjoys painting scenes that revolve around her culture, Inuit people, inukshuks and Nunatsiavut. She likes to paint anything which inspires her or things which she consider beautiful. Gabriel has returned to school but still continues to paint and draw. During her free time she also enjoys photography and exercising.

Telephone Number: (709) 896-8810
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