Photo Courtesy: Bird's Eye Inc.
Photo Courtesy: Bird
Community Tax Rates
Poll tax
$50.00 per person.
Anyone making less than $11,809.00, can be exempt from paying Poll Tax. A Poll Tax Exemption form and your Notice of Assessment is required to be submitted to the Rigolet Inuit Community Government for approval.

Water/Sewer Tax
$12.00 per month or $144.00 per year for residential homes.
$576.00 per year for businesses.

Garbage Collection
No fee for residential homes.
Businesses pay $360.00 per year.

Plot of Land $5,000.00 for plot of land after application has been approved by Council.

Building Permit Houses/Buildings - $25.00 Sheds - $5.00
Water pipe Thaw out Fee 1St Freeze up of present year - $50.00 2nd Freeze up of present year - $75.00 3 or more Freeze up of present year - $100.00
© 2017 Rigolet Inuit Community Government

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