Photo Courtesy: Bird's Eye Inc.

Photo Courtesy: Bird
Community By-Laws

1. Interpretations: In these regulations unless the context otherwise requires:

(a) "Act" means the Municipalities Act.
(b) "Animal Control Officer" means any person empowered by Council to enforce these regulations.
(c) "At Large" means to be off the premises of an owner or is not under physical control of a person by means of a lease.
(d) "Council" means the Rigolet Inuit Community Government.
(e) "Dog Team" means a group of up to ten (10) dogs used primarily as work dogs.
(f) "Town" means the Rigolet Inuit Community Government dated 1977.
(g) "Town Manager" means any person appointed as such by Council.
(h) "Impounded" means to seize and hold in custody.
(i) "Impounder" means any person appointed by Council for purpose of capturing and impounding dogs.
(j) "Peace Officers" means any member of the Town Municipal Enforcement Department or R.C.M.P.
(k) "Veterinarian" means legally qualified veterinarian as provided in the Newfoundland Veterinary Medical Act.

2. From and after the date of the passing of these regulations, no person shall keep any dog/cat within the limits of the Town, unless such dog/cat has been registered and licensed.

3. The Council may appoint licensing officers/or the Town Clerk who shall keep registers of all dogs/cats licensed by them.

4. (a) License tags will be issued and supplied by the Council and be valid for the life of the dog or cat which will be issued by licensing officers/ or the Town Clerk;
(b) A fee of $10.00 for each license tag will be charged;
(c) When a dog/cat is impounded and it is not licensed, the dog/cat owner, after the impounding fee is paid, must license their dog/cat before it is returned;

5. The owner of every licensed dog/cat shall immediately on receiving the license, attach it to a strong and durable collar, which collar shall be kept upon the dog(s)/cat(s) neck at all times when it is outside the enclosed premises of the owner.

6. Every owner of a dog/cat within the Town shall keep such dog/cat safely tethered or penned up at all times.

7. If any dog/cat shall bite any person other than its owner or a member of its owner(s) household and while not in its owner(s) premises, such dog/cat shall be deemed to be a nuisance and the owner thereof shall be deemed to have committed an offence in terms of these regulations.

8. (a) Any dog/cat may be sized or impounded if found at large and Town staff may enter premises for the purpose of capturing any dog/cat that the officer was in pursuit of or had escaped from their control;
(b) Town staff may seize and impound any dog/cat found at large without the use of tranquilizing darts or firearms, except in cases where the animal cannot be impounded by other means, or constitutes an immediate threat to persons or property;

9. (a) If any dog/cat shall cause damage to any lawn, grass plot, garden, or flower bed or flower shrub or plant, such dog/cat shall be deemed to be a nuisance and the owner thereof shall be deemed to have committed an offence in terms of these regulations;
(b) Any dog/cat found damaging or destroying private property may be seized by the injuriously affected person or persons and held for collection by Town staff;

10. The owner of a dog/cat may recover said dog/cat on sufficient proof of ownership of the dog/cat as the Council may require, and upon payment of all fees in connection with the impounding and keep of the dog/cat.

11. The following seizing and impounding fees shall be paid by the owners of dogs/cats:
(a) Seizing and impounding, licensed, 1st instance, $30.00;
(b) Seizing and impounding, unlicensed, 1st instance, $50.00;
(c) Seizing and impounding, 2nd instance within a 12 month period, $100.00;
(d) If a dog/cat is seized and impounded 3 times within a 12 month period, the dog/cat shall be destroyed immediately;
(e) For dogs/cats impounded and quarantined for ten days, the costs involved are to be recovered from the owner;
(f) For call-outs to deal with dog/cat problems after regular working hours, the costs involved are to be recovered by the owner;
(g) The Town may charge the owner additional fees where special circumstances warrant it;
(h) The Animal Control Officer or Community Constable may fine the owner of a licensed dog at large;

12. Town staff shall keep any dog/cat in the pound and care for it for a period of 24 hours, and after expiration of such period, the dog/cat shall be humanely destroyed.

13. Town staff shall make a record of such impounding in a book kept for that purpose and the owner of a dog/cat will be notified, if possible.

14. Any person who has custody, charge or possession of any dog/cat, or who is the principal resident of any house or premises where a dog/cat is kept or permitted to live or remain shall be deemed to be the owner of the dog/cat for the purposes of these regulations unless he proves he was not the owner of the dog/cat.
(a)The Town who intends to destroy a dog/cat under Section 14 shall, where possible, notify the owner, if known.

15. Where, in the opinion of the Town, a dog/cat seized under these regulations is injured, or should be destroyed for human reasons or reasons of safety, the Town may destroy the dog/cat as soon after seizure as he/she sees fit without permitting any person to reclaim the dog/cat.

16. Any person who interferes with or attempts to interfere with a Municipal Enforcement Officer or Animal Control Officer, or their agents, in the exercise of their duties, or damages town property, such person shall be deemed to have committed an offence in terms these Regulations.
(a) Any person who, without the authority of the Municipal Enforcement Department/Animal Control Officer or their agents releases any animal which has been impounded shall be deemed to have committed an offence in terms of these Regulations;
(b) Every person requested by the Municipal Enforcement Department/Animal Control Officer or their agents shall, on request, forthwith give his/her proper name and address;

17. Any court of summary jurisdiction may take cognizance of a complaint that a dog/cat is dangerous and not kept under proper control, or has bitten or attempted to bite any person or injured, worried, or chased cattle or poultry, and if it appears to the court that such dog/cat is dangerous or has done any of the said things, the court may make an order directing the owner of the dog/cat to destroy the dog/cat.

18. Prosecution under these regulations may be taken summarily by any member of the Council or by any Police Constable or by any person authorized by Council.

19. Where any person is authorized to capture or destroy a dog/cat under these regulations, he shall do so as humanely as possible.

20. The carcass of any dog/cat destroyed shall be disposed of by burning or burying; it shall not be placed in the sea or in any pond, lake, river, or stream or any water which flows into the sea.

21. Any Peace Officer or Impounder shall keep daily a record of all his activities and a report to be passed in once a week to his supervisor.

22. No action lies against any person acting in good faith for anything done or proposing to be done under these regulations.

23. All previous Municipal (Dog Control) Regulations or amendments thereto are hereby rescinded.

24. Dog Teams shall be transported outside the Town limits before they can be hitched to a komatik for racing/running.

25. Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of these regulations is guilty of an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) or in default of payment of such penalty to imprisonment for a period not exceeding ninety (90) days, or to both such fine and imprisonment in accordance with Section 420 of the Municipalities Act.

1. Interpretations: In these regulations unless the context otherwise requires:

(a) "Council" means the Rigolet Inuit Community Government.
(b) "Community" means the Community of Rigolet as defined by Order-of-Council incorporating Rigolet as a community.
(c) "Noise" means any loud sound which is disturbing to people

2. No person within a motor vehicle or home shall play loud music or holler in excessive amounts as to disturb people or cause a nuisance or distraction within the Community of Rigolet.

3. No person within the Community shall use their lawn mower, chainsaw or electrical equipment which causes extensive noise between the hours of midnight and 6:00 AM.

4. No person within the Community of Rigolet shall allow his or her dog to bark in such a manner as to disturb people between the hours of midnight and 6:00 AM.

5. No motor vehicle including snowmobiles, chainsaws and ATV's shall operate within the Community of Rigolet without a proper muffler.

6. No ATV's, snowmobiles or dirt bikes shall operate near housing between the hours of 12 midnight and 6:00 AM (this pertains to joy riders, not hunters).

7. Any person who is guilty of an offence against these regulations or who acts in contravention of or fails to comply with any provisions thereof, or neglects to refuses to do so, shall be liable on summary conviction to a penalty not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1000.00); in default of payment thereof to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ninety days or to both such fine and imprisonment in accordance with Municipal Regulations, Section 443.

8. These regulations shall come into effect on the 1st day of January, A.D., 1988 and may be cited as the Community of Rigolet (Noise) Regulations, 1988.

Rigolet Community Recreation supports Community members who need financial assistance for emergencies. An emergency is a serious situation or occurrence that happens unrepentantly and demands immediate action.

1. Individuals/Groups are required to complete a financial request form (forms are available at Recreation).

2. Applicants must justify the need for assistance by informing the committee of what assistance is required.

3. Urgent situations such as death of an immediate family member residing outside the Rigolet area may be considered on a case by case basis.

4. Community members may request financial assistance for attending special events (i.e sports events in other communities - Torngat Recreations provides money for these types of events.)

5. Recreation will no longer provide Bingo nights (Tuesday and Thursday) for individuals raising funds. However, if persons are interested in other available nights of the week to host Bingo, they may do so but will be required to reimburse the cost of Bingo cards to recreation.

6. Community events sponsored or sanctioned by the Rigolet Inuit Community Government (i.e Salmon Festival), may host Bingo provided they have their own personnel (i.e committee members) to host the Bingo. Bingo nights may be provided for this cause.

7. Individuals/Groups will be required to sign a written receipt showing acceptance of funds.

8. There will be no fundraiser Bingos for anyone attending a scheduled medical appointment where travel, accommodations, meals and an escort are provided for at least one person, by the Non Insured Health Benefits program.
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